Sunday, February 24, 2013

Netflix Instant-View is the bane of my existence. That along with Pretty Little Liars.
Back when it first aired around 2010, a lot of girls i knew watched the show because they had read the books. When i first heard about it i thought it sounded ridicules and trashy TV, and didn't think of it again.
But a few weeks ago i saw a few gif-sets on tumblr of it and thought i would check it out. Little did i know how incredibly addictive the show would be. Its on Netflix Instant-View and there is a feature that shows the next episode of a series once the one you're watching is finished. And it kills me.
I watched the entire first season in two days.
It. Is so. Good.
Every episode ends with a cliff hanger, and the show has powerful female roles, and even a lesbian couple. Especially for ABC, its a progressive show. And Netflix makes it so easy to watch.
Basically netflix is the most addictive thing i've experienced.

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