Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our group is doing very well.
We finished filming the intro and are starting to edit, which will take maybe one class period. 
Our poster is also coming along well, with both Ravyn and Katie having made a copy, both of which look good.
For the poster i was having some questions with myself on the title. 
As a short story i love the name The Boy With The Smirk, but i felt somewhat that it does not work so well as a movie title. It just didn't have a movie title ring to it. 
I wanted to somewhat give the audience a sense of the main theme, that is harder to understand in the film. I wanted to change it to Fight Of The Mind to give the audience a bit of a hint at the point, but i also love the original title. Katie ended up using the title Fight Of The Mind while Ravyn stuck with The Boy With The Smirk. And both posters turned out well.

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