Thursday, September 6, 2012

1. Hello, i am Molly. I am a student in CAP 10 and I enjoy many things. Specifically frolicking in fields with friends and all maner of things. I am quite interested in directing and filming the shots, so technically DP. I have vlogged in the past, which is a film project i've worked on, i've also done film projects in Mr. Bustillos's class which i enjoyed. I made, edited, and did all of those shenanigans for a vlog a while back, and in Bustillos's class i was an actor in a news piece.

2. We can use our blogs to share our videos and ideas. For the change project groups could use the blogs to throw around ideas and work at home together.

  • Share ideas
  • Talk to each other through the blogs
  • Write up drafts of the project 

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