Saturday, September 22, 2012

My 5x5

  1.  A shot of me walking downstairs to get a snack.
  2.  A shot from within the refrigerator of me getting out the milk.
  3. A shot of me getting down cereal from above the fridge. 
  4. A shot of me getting a spoon out of the utensils drawer.
  5.  A shot of me moving around my cereal so that it all gets wet.
When i shot my 5x5 i had little trouble, and it only took me about 20 minutes. I just used a little rinky-dink camera we had in the house, and the iMovie HD on my Mac, and everything went smoothly.

I liked my 5x5, though i found as i made it that i wanted to include more footage.The little 5 second clips seemed to short, though i like how it turned out.

I think we should do a small film from the perspective of an inanimate object. The film would not have a voiceover, so as to make it a challenge to express what it is like to be that object. I think this would be interesting and a bit challenging, and fun.


  1. Hi Molly,

    Nice 5x5! I like the shot where you put the camera in the refrigerator. However, you need to create a new YouTube channel using your class Google Account. We discussed this in class quite a bit. I understand that many students have personal YouTube accounts. But you need to create a separate YouTube account for your school videos. Please refer to the capfilm blog for the specific directions for setting up your class YouTube Account:
    Please repost your 5x5 once you have it uploaded to your new channel. Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Oh, and you also need to moderate your blog comments as we discussed at length in class. My comment showed up as soon as I submitted it. All comments on your blog must first be approved by you before being posted. Molly, please get these settings straight:
