Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hello there
Well hello there. These blogs, as you may or may not have noticed, are for school and were used for assignments given to us by our teachers. Now when i'm on my tumblr i'm more likely to talk about something that interests me, but a school blog... not so much. Since this was the case for many students our teachers decide to change the assignment. All we have to do is make at least one post a week, on any topic we like.
But the question is, what to do with it? Should i make this a blog dedicated to one thing? A blog about my life and its challenges. A blog about a fandom i like. It could be about anything.
I really like the fact that they have given us this freedom, but now i have the conundrum of not knowing what to write about.
I assume that i will end up writing about what ever comes to mind and whatever has been prominent that week. And, to the joy of the CAP teachers i assume, i'm most likely gonna end up using it far more often. Although i'm not going to follow any blogs, because as of yet i dont know how, but i will be posting more often.
So i'd like to say thank you to the CAP teachers for giving us this freedom. It will be fun.


  1. Hi Molly,

    Mr. Mayo here. A few comments. First, I'm glad you like the new freedom to write about self-selected topics on your blog. I definitely think this will make the student blogs much more interesting. But it does bring up the problem that you mention in your post. What to write about?? To start off, perhaps you could pick a topic that you know a lot about. That way you can write with a certain amount of confidence about the subject. It's always easier to write about things we know a lot about.

    Please make sure that you edit and revise your writing to the best of your ability BEFORE publishing. There are a few obvious errors in this post, like not capitalizing i in a few sentences, that should be fixed. Errors like this send a message to the reader that the writer may not care very much about what they are writing. You know what I mean?

    I look forward to seeing what you write about.

  2. Oh, and you need to moderate your comments! My comment showed up on your blog as soon as I hit Publish. All comments should first be approved by you before being published. Please go into your blog settings under comments and change to ALWAYS MODERATE COMMENTS. Thanks.

  3. Molly you should write about the fantastical adventures that you have!
