Friday, October 12, 2012

Words. Words. Words.
I am an actress. I'm in a youth theater group that does Shakespeare and therefore focuses very much on the spoken word. Because of this we focus greatly on annunciation and consents and speech. 
And yet despite all this, for some reason, i have lost the ability to talk. I will be talking to someone or trying to voice an idea and my tung refuses to function and i cannot speak. When i am reading lines and memorizing lines i do fine, but when it comes to conversing i am inept. 
This did not used to be the case. I used to do well in my annunciation, but my speech has slowly deteriorated so that i will merely make sounds and move my tung around. my theory is that my mouth has decided to go on strike because i clench my jaw from all my stress, i forget to brush my teeth when i'm up late doing homework, and so on and so forth. 
Well if my mouth is going on strike i guess i'll just have to talk less, do more yoga, and keep on keepin on. 

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