Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Exit Through The Gift Shop
Exit Through The Gift Shop is an excellent observational documentary about street art and the street artist Banksy and Thierry Guetta. It starts out talking about various street artists and where the do their art. It has interviews with many and follows them as they prep and do their art. The film was originally about street artists but Guetta met street artist Banksy along the way and the camera was then turned onto Guetta and was about his rise as a street artist. 
The film is about Shepard Fairey who is known for his OBEY posters, Space Invader, Banksy, and Thierry Guetta. It addresses the conflict with street artists and the police, and street artists motives and the messages they intend to get across. 
The film had a few literary aspects, including conflict with street artists and the police, and in the end Banksy and Guetta. The film had a dark and yet adventurous mood and took place in multiple locations, such as London, New York, and LA.  The point of view was mostly that of a member of the street artists crew or friends who help them to put up their art. 
There was little dramatic aspects to the film because it was a very raw documentary with little prep for the footage, which was mostly taken by hand held cameras going along with street artists. There were interviews which took place in rooms that were probably post shooting of the raw footage. The film was very uncommercial and non dramatic. 
The cinematic aspects of the film were more obvious, such as music over the movie and narration and diegetic sound. The shots were mostly from hand held cameras being held by the director himself, and lighting was flashlights at night when posters were being put up, and light on interviewees (except Banksy who prefers to stay anonymous).
It was an overall great film that really brings you into the world of graffiti and street art. After watching it it really made me want to go out and tag things up (i didn't of course). The film shows you the motives of street artists and is inspiring, though it makes you have doubts about Guetta's purposes. It seems that he only does street art for fame and fun, whereas people like Banksy and Shepard Fairey do it to get a message across.
If you have time go watch the film, it is definitely worth it. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tis the season of gift giving, and for the first time ever i've actually been able to buy my friends gifts. Most of the time i am the absolute worst giver of gifts.
I never have enough money to buy the presents.
I never go out and get them.
I never know what to get people.
But this year i have spent a decent amount of time into gifts, but it makes me understand how difficult buying gifts is. For only six friends i have already spent upwards of 60 dollars. Thats just for going to the local arts store and record store. I've been saving money from baby sitting for two months and have depleted in my savings in two hours. 
Being able to buy gifts is a difficult feat and i already feel bad for not being able to buy some of my friends presents. So it makes you think about people who are unable to buy presents at all and the fact that Santa brings rich kids the best presents. Because of capitalism many people can't necessarily get the most or best presents for their kids. America has such a consumerism culture that christmas is about buying the most gifts, at least for kids. And its sad.
I know this is kind of conflicting with my last post, but there are good and bad things about the holidays. Its just good to put everything in perspective.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas is a wonderful season, its one of my favorites in fact. I just love the smells of pine and cinnamon. The lights emblazoning houses. The sound of firewood crackling in fireplaces. The joy and anticipation of presents being opened. Bing Crosby and Reba Mcentire singing carols and songs of trees and Santa.
The only thing i don't like about christmas is the expectation of one having to be christian to join in this mirthful holiday. I've always thought of it as a holiday about love, family, happiness, and appreciating others. Not Jesus's birth. I've grown up an atheist, never thinking there was a god or that the Bible and Jesus should be harkend.  My parents grew up Catholic and Protestant, but are now atheists and our family has never been to church. And yet my family celebrates Christmas. Christmas is no longer about religion for some (although christmas mass and religion is definitaly still a part of it for many).
Christmas is a time of gift giving, and celebrating, and hot chocolate, and snow. Now i'm not saying the religion of Christmas should be abolished, i'm not really sure what i'm saying... Only that it can and should be celebrated by anyone who wishes to take part in the season. For that reason it should be called Chrsmus. 
On that note i leave you with a gif in light of the holidays. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

For a while i have tried to put up old post that my computer some how lost, but blogger wasn't working right on my computer. I tried to figure it out (I had to download a plug in or update adobe or something) but i ended up using my mother's computer.
This whole escapade has brought upon my thoughts on a subject that often keeps me up at night.  What would humans do if we lost technology? Not all technology, but computers and phones. I do realize that 30 years ago this was the case, but in a society that is so focussed on being instantly amused or distracted with texting and the internet what would we do? 
I remember that when i was a child i prided myself in the fact that i could entertain myself with out the internet, and yet when hurricane Sandy threatened power being available i was on tumblr rapidly in the fear that i couldn't go on once power was lost. I find myself wasting my days on tumblr as opposed to going on a walk or reading or even taking a nap. I used to hate the idea of going on the computer all the time and now it is all i spend my time doing. 
There is a new tv show on NBC called Revolution, check it out here, which has a great take on the subject. 
Now we are so reliant on the entertainment and distraction of the internet. We rely on it for advice, directions, laughs, boredom, and even jobs. If we were to loose that all of a sudden... Its just interesting to think about it.