Sunday, December 2, 2012

For a while i have tried to put up old post that my computer some how lost, but blogger wasn't working right on my computer. I tried to figure it out (I had to download a plug in or update adobe or something) but i ended up using my mother's computer.
This whole escapade has brought upon my thoughts on a subject that often keeps me up at night.  What would humans do if we lost technology? Not all technology, but computers and phones. I do realize that 30 years ago this was the case, but in a society that is so focussed on being instantly amused or distracted with texting and the internet what would we do? 
I remember that when i was a child i prided myself in the fact that i could entertain myself with out the internet, and yet when hurricane Sandy threatened power being available i was on tumblr rapidly in the fear that i couldn't go on once power was lost. I find myself wasting my days on tumblr as opposed to going on a walk or reading or even taking a nap. I used to hate the idea of going on the computer all the time and now it is all i spend my time doing. 
There is a new tv show on NBC called Revolution, check it out here, which has a great take on the subject. 
Now we are so reliant on the entertainment and distraction of the internet. We rely on it for advice, directions, laughs, boredom, and even jobs. If we were to loose that all of a sudden... Its just interesting to think about it. 

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