Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tis the season of gift giving, and for the first time ever i've actually been able to buy my friends gifts. Most of the time i am the absolute worst giver of gifts.
I never have enough money to buy the presents.
I never go out and get them.
I never know what to get people.
But this year i have spent a decent amount of time into gifts, but it makes me understand how difficult buying gifts is. For only six friends i have already spent upwards of 60 dollars. Thats just for going to the local arts store and record store. I've been saving money from baby sitting for two months and have depleted in my savings in two hours. 
Being able to buy gifts is a difficult feat and i already feel bad for not being able to buy some of my friends presents. So it makes you think about people who are unable to buy presents at all and the fact that Santa brings rich kids the best presents. Because of capitalism many people can't necessarily get the most or best presents for their kids. America has such a consumerism culture that christmas is about buying the most gifts, at least for kids. And its sad.
I know this is kind of conflicting with my last post, but there are good and bad things about the holidays. Its just good to put everything in perspective.

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