Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas is a wonderful season, its one of my favorites in fact. I just love the smells of pine and cinnamon. The lights emblazoning houses. The sound of firewood crackling in fireplaces. The joy and anticipation of presents being opened. Bing Crosby and Reba Mcentire singing carols and songs of trees and Santa.
The only thing i don't like about christmas is the expectation of one having to be christian to join in this mirthful holiday. I've always thought of it as a holiday about love, family, happiness, and appreciating others. Not Jesus's birth. I've grown up an atheist, never thinking there was a god or that the Bible and Jesus should be harkend.  My parents grew up Catholic and Protestant, but are now atheists and our family has never been to church. And yet my family celebrates Christmas. Christmas is no longer about religion for some (although christmas mass and religion is definitaly still a part of it for many).
Christmas is a time of gift giving, and celebrating, and hot chocolate, and snow. Now i'm not saying the religion of Christmas should be abolished, i'm not really sure what i'm saying... Only that it can and should be celebrated by anyone who wishes to take part in the season. For that reason it should be called Chrsmus. 
On that note i leave you with a gif in light of the holidays. 

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